Christmas Table Blessing 

from Father Frederick Zagone, S.J., University Chaplain

On this Christmas Day, surrounded by lights and signs of celebration, we know that the greatest present we receive isn’t under our tree but is in our hearts. It is the gift of God’s love evidenced through the birth of the child Jesus.  May we be reborn in the light and love God has for us.


May the baby Jesus grow to strengthen us. May he learn to teach us. May he mature to expand our vision and love for one another. May his life be a light that brings peace to our hearts, to our homes and to our world.

Countdown to Christmas


We ask God to be present at our Christmas table. Bring health and happiness to those of us gathered here and those we love who cannot be with us today. We remember those who are alone and those who are far from home.


Bless the food we will share as we are mindful that many do not have what we have. May the light of Christ that brightens this day shine in our lives throughout the days of Christmas and in the year ahead.


And we ask all of these prayers through Christ our new born Lord. Amen