Please consider designating your support to the following funds:
Educational Opportunity Program: provides critical support for Educational Opportunity Program students and programming.
Thomas H. and Suzanne M. Werner R.I.S.E. Program Endowed Fund: provides multicultural and underrepresented students with additional resources, connections and a stronger sense of belonging on campus.
Black Alumni Association's Ralph H. Metcalfe, Sr. Scholarship: awarded annually to two outstanding black students returning to Marquette University, based on their academic performance and demonstrated commitment to promoting diversity within Marquette and the community.
Additional funding opportunities:
St. Joan of Arc Chapel Restoration and Renovation: supports the continued preservation, active worship programming, and upkeep of this treasured, sacred space. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the canonization of St. Joan of Arc.
Bridge to the Future Fund: established to provide financial aid assistance to students whose changing economic circumstances jeopardize their ability to continue their Marquette education; it can be used for room and board, travel expenses, tuition and more.
Marquette’s Student Affairs Excellence Fund: provides a variety of essential – and immediate – supports for our students, including our Backpack Program, which provides free groceries to any Marquette student who is having difficulty accessing affordable, nutritious food, as well as personal hygiene products.