Planned Giving - Gifts of Appreciated Stock
A gift of long-term appreciated securities, either publicly traded or from a closely-held company, may provide you with greater tax advantages than a gift of cash. By donating appreciated stock to Marquette, you may deduct the current fair market value as a charitable gift and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation whether or not you itemize deductions.
If you believe your stock will continue to appreciate, use the tax savings to purchase "replacement shares," which will give you a higher cost basis. Contact Marquette's Office of Planned Giving with questions. You may also download Marquette's Electronic Transfer of Stock Information Sheet below for instructions your broker will need to complete the transfer.
Electronic Transfer of Stock Information Sheet
The McCostlin Legacy:
Inspiration and Impact
Meeting on campus was part of a Marquette experience that remains present in Adam's and Beth's lives.
"I don't think I'd be the person I am today without a Marquette education." - Adam McCostlin, Bus Ad '06
Dr. Paul Andrews' Legacy:
Opening Doors for Veterans
When asked what provided him the greatest help in his life, Dr. Paul Andrews knew how to answer and how to pay it forward.
"I am getting more in my heart from this gift." - Dr. Paul Andrews, Dent '74